Saturday, October 9, 2021

Upside down stories

 I have always LOVED to write.  To create.  I live a LOT in my head, processing the stuff of my life, and the experiences of people around me.  At one point in time, I really REALLY wanted to write novels or romances.  But as I have gotten older, and read more of this genre, it all feels very formulaic, and contrived.  

Imagine with me a typical story line - a young woman runs away from home to meet with huge success in a big city, but not in relationships.  In frustration, she returns to her small hometown to be knocked head-over-heals by the young man who was there all along, and they live happily-ever-after.  Formulaic.  NOT realistic.  Sometimes HE is more successful; sometimes she is a failure at something...still formulaic. 

How many love stories ACTUALLY look like this?  

Why don't authors write realistic love stories?  Oh, yeah.  They don't sell.  


Why are real-life love stories not as attractive?  

Oh, yeah...people don't want to face the fact that people FIGHT, and screw things up, and it can't be tied together with a pretty bow in 150 pages.  The fact that real life is messy, and unfair, and painful.  How do you sell books like that?  

As time has passed, I have come to the conclusion that I need to write is a better fit for who I am, and the direction I am headed.  And yet, I procrastinate.  It's not the right time.  It's too much work.  I don't know where to start.  

Today, it dawned on me that real-life stories DO actually sell....sometimes.  And people DO want to read them...SOME of them.  Honestly, *I* read them.  I don't read much "fluff" any more.  Real life is more appealing to me.  But not the ones that are easily scripted and tied up in a pretty bow.  I want the raw, and rough, and the ones that make me look deeper at who I am, down deep.  

Tell me....what do YOU want to read? Do you want the formulas? The fantasy? The real?  The raw?  What draws you in?  

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