Monday, March 14, 2016


Today was my counseling appointment.   I have been working on dealing with a lot of childhood things that were recently brought back into the present.  As we talked through things today, I was able to paint a picture of where I am...

Imagine I am in the middle of getting ready to move (this is not a difficult scene for me!).  Every closet and drawer has been opened and emptied.  Now that everything is out where I can see it, I recognize that I have a LOT of junk, some excess, and some really good stuff.  It all needs to be sorted through.  The junk needs to be thrown away, the excess gotten rid of or stored, and the really good stuff I want to have on-display.  Pretty typical moving experience....

This is the picture of what I have been doing with the stuff from my past.  I am recognizing that there is a LOT of junk from my past that is cluttering up my mind.  Abuses and lies are there, which have prevented me from seeing the good parts of myself, the parts that God made me to be.  As I go through my counseling, I am systematically being able to weed out and throw away those things that are trash.  The more trash I rid my mind of, the more I am able to see ME, and who I am supposed to be.  I am able to see who God created me to be, and what He is doing in me.

Today, a piece of trash that everyone may recognize went out on the trash heap..."I'm always wrong", "it's all my fault"....those are lies and garbage, and are now gone.  In place of these lies, I asked God to show me how HE sees me.  THAT is a work in progress....

Meanwhile, the decluttering continues....

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